Around noon, I woke up to see that I had missed a call from my hubby. I called him back and found out the insurance company had totalled out our car. Which was a major let down after yesterday, them telling us that they might not have to. Fortunately, Hondas keep their value and we're getting almost all of our money back. We'll end up owing a couple hundred on it, but that'll be pretty easy to pay off.
Then, my mom called to let me know that Hannah, my dog, was really, really sick and that she was taking her to the vet to see if they could figure out what was wrong with her and decide if she needed to be put to sleep. I was sick and couldn't even drive out to the vet to see her.
Mom called back a couple hours later and said that the vet couldn't figure out what was wrong with her and they were going to put her to sleep. I cried. She hasn't really been *my* dog for the last few years, but still...
Then my husband had to go to school and take a test so he couldn't even come home and be with me. When he DID get home he was all bummed out because he doesn't think he did very well on the test, due to all the distractions of the last few weeks.
The insurance company was only going to give us the rental car for another five days, but through begging and pleading, we managed to get it until the 30th. Which means that we have less than two weeks to find a new car. Grr.
I'll end this post with a few pics...

I'm going to miss that dog...

And I'm going to miss this car...

Hopefully, I'll get one of these (Mistubishi Lancer)
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