Friday, September 02, 2005

Moving Blues

Moving is a PAIN. I say this in love.

We've been married and in our apartment for almost 3 weeks now, and we still have nearly all our boxes packed. The problem is, we don't have anywhere to put anything. We only have one shelving unit and we just got our computer moved over. Sigh. Probably right about the time we finish unpacking, it will be time to move again.

We're looking for inexpensive IKEA-type furniture (shelving, storage), just in case that anyone out there has any. I have a "wanted" post on if you would like to send an email (I don't think I have my email up here).

Still working on learning each other and having fun (most of the time). It's still a lot of work.


Anonymous said...
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Jenni said...

comment spam! I hate it! you can delete that Jess all you have to do is hit the garbage can at the bottom of the comment. Should be there if you are logged in!

Yeah, marriage is work, it always will be! But it's fun work and it gets easier and smoother as the years go on. Thanks for keeping us posted! :)

Kari said...

I love you guys!

The adventure continues... said...

I can surly sympithize with the moving. We moved three times last year. And we're gearing up to move again. It definatly helps to have places to put everything. Good luck!

caleb and sarah turner said...

Hey guys, moving is a pain. It takes time, so be patient it will all get done in time! Make a date night of it, sit and go through stuff over a little snack, and some tea or something fun! Hope your having fun on your vacation! Jealous! Hope you liked your wedding pics! Luv you guys

Anonymous said...

I check you at least once a week, and was wondering why you haven't updated for so long...then Sallee tells me you've been in Hawai'i. (You notice I spell that correctly since I have a daughter who lives there ;) ) Hope you had a great time! Love, Judi