Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Confessions of a Vulcan Mama

"But it's not logical, Jim." - Spock

I hate emotions. They're not logical. Pregnancy is a roller coaster of emotions. Ergo, I hate being pregnant.

Okay, okay. "Hate" is a little strong.

But I do strongly prefer the consistency of logic to the changeability of emotion. In the span of minutes, I can swing from excited to scared to happy to grumpy to sad to downright angry.

I wish I had been more consistent about blogging through the journey of pregnancy, but I've been so tired that it hasn't been a high priority. It doesn't bother me much, I just wish I'd had more energy. (Don't we all?)

A lot of women enjoy pregnancy immensely. I am not one of them. I am blogging so that, if you're like me, you know you're not alone.

Live long and prosper.

PS. Eventually these posts will move over to a blog devoted to parenting, once DLH & I decide on a domain & get the blog set up. Ah, the downsides to having two geeks in a marriage... It takes a lot more work to get anything set up. :D

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