{Takes deep breath}
Well folks, I've had about the craziest 48 hours anyone could ask for.
Monday night, Jesse and I went to the YMCA for a particularly difficult workout session. Then we went to Wal-Mart for some necessities (TP and ice cream for me). We got home to a torrential downpoar...in our dining room.
Apparently, a valve underneath the kitchen sink in the unit above ours blew out sometime Monday while we were gone, and poured enough water into our unit to leak into the unit below us. Needless to say everything in our dining room was pretty much soaked. As soon as we got home we had to start moving everything. Jesse keeps his guitars and amp in the dining room, but they managed to come out unscathed. We think we might have lost his tuner and his trainer thingy that slows down CD tracks so he can learn them. Thank God he bought the warrenty on them.
Also, the water was coming through the dining room light fixture. And there's tell-tale blister marks on the same line as several of our electrical outlets, so there might be some electrical work that needs to be done. The whole dining room and part of the living room are going to need to be painted and possibly have some drywall replaced or repaired. So we might have to move into a different unit while they're doing the repairs to ours.
We also discovered a blister that was threatening to leak on our computer. So we moved the computer and we thought it was out of danger. However, we have been unable to get it to boot up at all. We're not sure exactly what's wrong with it. We're going to replace a couple things that needed to be replaced anyway, and try to boot it up off the Windows CD to run a repair. That is, if we can find the CD.
If y'all would pray for us and our computer, we'd really appreciate it. It's not like we can go out and just buy another computer, ya know? God bless you all and we'll keep you updated on how eveything works out.
Thank you, Jesus! The computer works! It turns out that the surge protector did its job and protected the computer, but the surge protector is shot. So I plugged the computer into a different power strip, and it worked! YAY!
When will the apartment manager be able to send someone to fix all that? Be very careful with the electrical stuff till it's all dried up. Do you have fans & such running to dry the place out?
Wouldn't the appartment managment be responsible to replace any damaged items? That is a real bummer. I'm glad you'r on the other side of all that now. It's so hard to stay positive when the world seems to be crashing down around you.
Wouldn't the apartment management be responsible to replace any damaged items? So did you guys end up having to move into another unit? I'm glad to hear you are "out of the woods". It's so hard to have a positive perspective when the world seems to be crashing in on you. Hang in there! I love to read your blog and see what you guys are up to. I'm bummed we didn't get together when we were in town. Time just goes flying by.
Okay, so I'm thinking that I'm typing in the word verification wrong. And my comments are ending up in never, never land. I didn't take the time to read that they must be approved by the blog author. I've never seen that before.
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